Walk-in Bath Store

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Paradise Walk in Bath

Check out the Features

The Paradise walk in bath creates the same bathing experience as a traditional lie down bath except it removes the difficult part of stepping over the bath to enter or exit, there is a convenient door for this purpose.

The Paradise walk in baths come in two sizes, 5 and 5 ½ models and therefore they can replace your existing bath with great ease and without any need to change any other parts of the bathroom. The walk in bath is one of few baths that provide both full bathing and showering capabilities and is recommended for people with limited ability.

Once you get into the walk in bath you only need to lower yourself into the bottom of the bath and you can start to relax and enjoy your bathing knowing that getting out will be just as easy.

The walk in bath has a quick fill and drain functionality, this means that the bath will fill very quickly whilst you sit inside it and when you are ready to get out it will drain even more quickly so you can get out and dry yourself. Below are some more information on the features and benefits of the Paradise walk in bath.

To register for a no obligation call-back or brochure request & if required at a later stage, a free estimate from one of our regulated designers / surveyors to help you design the ideal Walk-in Bath or Walk-in Shower for you - please simply enter your contact details into our ‘Enquiry Form’ on the right hand side of this page...

Features of Paradise Walk in Bath:

  • 16-Jet Air Massage Therapy

    this provides thousands of pre-warmed air bubbles for a massage that enables therapeutic benefits and a refreshing bathing experience.

  • Easy Entry and Exit

    easy and simple entry and exiting the bath with generous door width and a small step up height making the Paradise bath both safe and enjoyable.

  • Fast Filling Taps

    the taps that accompany the Paradise walk in bath enable it to be filled far quicker than any other walk in bath on the market. The walk in bath filler isa full ¾ inlet tap are a great addition to the Paradise walk in bath.

  • Exclusive Dual Quick Drain System

    this enables very quick draining of the bath when you have finished bathing due to the quick dual drain feature.

  • The Shower System

    the bath can be filled whilst using the shower, which enables the user to enjoy the system as soon as they enter, the shower is independent to the bath filler due to the filler faucets.

  • To register for a no obligation call-back or brochure request & if required at a later stage, a free estimate from one of our regulated designers / surveyors to help you design the ideal Walk-in Bath or Walk-in Shower for you - please simply enter your contact details into our ‘Enquiry Form’ on the right hand side of this page...

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